Welcome to Bioolympics

Officially, Bio Olympics specializes in developing and manufacturing innovative diagnostic imaging systems. But really, it is our mission to help turn our world into a better place, through the use of technology. Which really means we are here to save lives. The breakthrough of Biochip, Micro-Mechanics, and Nano Technologies transform the diagnostic industry. It enables us to create next-generation devices that are portable, efficient, and powerful. Diagnostic Imaging is no longer limited to the central laboratory. Bio Olympics combines micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and molecular diagnosis to provide the shortest testing time, highest sensitivity and precision for the on-site image. With our system, you can uncover diseases and make discoveries at any time and anywhere.

Bio Olympics is a noteworthy company for a number of different reasons. Our rates are extremely reasonably priced, for one. If you look at our products right next to those of our competitors, you’ll notice that our prices are significantly lower. We’re also exceptional due to our strong imaging quality. Other highlights of working with us include approval from the FCC/CE (unlike the majority of our competitors), UV defense design and speedy delivery. While our competitors often ship out products in time frames of four to eight weeks, the products we send to our customers often show up in 10 days or less. Another benefit for Bio Olympics Ltd. is that our customers can update our products whenever they’d like. Our company offers free warranties for two years (24 months). This does not include our tubes. Note that many of our competitors don’t provide their customers with free warranties. When they do, their warranties generally are only good for a year. Some of our many available products include DNA gel documentation, chemiluminescence documentation and digital imaging systems in general. Our products can be compatible with 1D/2D/3D analysis software.” If you’re interested in getting quality products and A+ customer service, our company simply is the best option for you, hands down. Not only are our products always first-rate, but we treat our customers like gold, as well. If you want to be treated like a truly valued customer, then our company will never ever disappoint you. If you take the time to browse our website, you’ll notice that shopping for our products is an easy and hassle-free process. You can easily buy our products by clicking the “buy now” button below their listings and then adding them into your shopping cart. It takes mere minutes. If you’d like to buy a video gel image system, a chemiluminescence imager or anything else, you can do so quickly and conveniently thanks to our online store. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email us.


Welcome to our website

If you’re searching for quality gel imaging systems, Bio Olympics might just be the answer you need in your life. We focus on the creation and development of modern and creative imaging systems. Our goal as a company overall, however, is to aid the improvement and growth of the planet via technology.


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